Wednesday, 21 August 2013

And They Call It Puppy Love.

tTwo posts in one lucky lucky things ;). This one is dedicated to a very special little lady, my puppy dog, Tilly! After all, a dog is a mans ( WOMANS) best friend, and my little pugpup is definitely mine! Tilly is a pug crossed with a jack russell and she is my favourite little furbaby!

We got Tilly just after my birthday in January 2012 when she was around 12 weeks old. I'd had a really difficult year with being quite poorly and was feeling really down, and that's when this mad little creature entered my life. I was never, ever allowed a dog as my mum likes being very tidy and so the answer was always 'No'. I always wanted a dog, and had my hopes set on a pug but my parents still said 'never'. However, one day I found a beautiful litter of 'Jugs' on the internet (at the place where my mums friend was getting her puppy from), that my parents agreed were simply gorgeous! We emailed about maybe going to see the puppies but were told they were all taken. This saddened me deeply as i'd never seen puppies like this. A week or so later my mums friend went to visit her new puppy at the place and that's when we got the best phone call ever.

"The breeder was going to keep the last puppy to breed from, but a lady begged and begged to have her, so she gave in. BUT SHE NEVER CAME FOR THE PUPPY! So if you want her, you can have her"

Oh. My. God.

My parents decided that having a dog would be a good thing for us all. So the Sunday after my birthday we went to see miracle pup, and could they resist the little lady....OF COURSE NOT! could you?

So we brought her home, she was so cuddly and loving and fitted in straight away!

She's a chubby little thing, but I guess I am too ;)! She's far from perfectly fact she pinches everything in sight>

exhibit a : Stealing the remote
Despite being a cheeky little pug, and being a giddy thing, she is also as daft as a brush. She likes to snuggle up to everyone, be carried around like a baby, and pin you down and lick your face and ears! She's my sleeping partner, and I know she'll listen to me no matter what! She definitely doesn't care what I look like or what I'm rambling on about she'll sit and cuddle me. She comes and kisses me when i'm sad or lonely and greets me with the most of excitement when I get home!


I love my Tilly-bob, Miggles, Tigs, Cuddles, Pug, Fatpup, furbaby!

Sleeping when she was a tiny thing

Kisses with my pup>

Hope you don't think i'm like a crazy dog lady, but I do love my fat pup!

Love you all lots

RubyMoomin + Tilly-May

The things we do to make ourselves feel better...

My lovely bloggers, I'm sorry that it has been so long since I did my first post, but I am going to try super hard to blog more :)! Since the weather has turned dull and gloomy, that's exactly how i've been feeling about myself. Dull. I don't know if it's just me, but I get so bored with how I look and feel. Anyone else get like that? So what to change? HAIR! That's the one thing I try to change practically every month. Your hair can make you look like a completely different person, and that's what I love about it. I've been nearly every colour; Red, Pink, Purple, Blonde, Silver, Black, Brown, Dipdyed, ginger and i've grown bored of all of these. 

 photo of me with my natural colour pretty much

So here are most my colours, and this reddy/brown bob is my current do!

I'M BORED GUYS! So what shall I do? I'm thinking of having mid brown roots with highlighted ends of caramels and blondes. A little like this >
I am also growing my hair out too :)

What do you all think though?

AND, what do you do to make yourselves feel better :)?

Love You Lots,


(P.s   Still getting to grips with this so sorry if it's pants)

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